kashani <kashani-list <at> badapple.net> writes:

>       Here's the rub, load balancing outbound traffic is easy. Turn on 
> advanced routing in your kernel, recompile, reboot, add your two default 
> gateways and you're now using both connections. IIRC Linux does per 
> connection load sharing, not per packet so a single TCP stream can not 
> use the aggregate connection speed of both pipes.

Well, I have not been active is complex routing solutions, lately, 
hence the inquiry as to available multi-homed solutions circa BGP.

>       However load balancing incoming traffic is hard even with BGP. I'd be 
> very surprised if either of your ISP's let you run BGP with them other 
> than announcing a default route to you via a private AS 
> number. Assuming you even get that far I'm positive that their filters 
> are going to swallow any route announcement specific enough to modify 
> your traffic. Without BGP you have no redundancy for incoming traffic. 
> Here's an example.

So BGP-4 is still the only solution to multi-homed networks.....?
Here's one treatise on the subject: 

Thanks for your input.


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