On 04.10.2013 13:20, Andreas Prieß wrote:
> Since I don't know the cause and didn't find a way to debug this, here
> are the symptoms:
> Ever since media-libs/mesa >= 9.1 went stable I had the problem, that
> the switch from Xfce on VT7 back to VT1 on shutdown fails. The screen
> goes black and does not show anything, but the system halts as normal.
> It is not possible to switch to VT1 by keyboard while the shutdown is
> still in progress when this has happened.
> I can't find anything in the Xorg or other log files according to this
> problem. Can't find anything related in Gentoo bugzilla or searching the
> web...
> The problem always disappeared by downgrading to mesa < 9.1, but that
> now requires other packages to be downgraded too, so I'd like to resolve
> this.
> It is an AMD64 system with an ATI Barts PRO [Radeon HD 6850] using KMS,
> desktop session with Xfce started by x11-misc/lightdm.
> Any hints on how to debug this problem would be highly appreciated.

Maybe this is relevant...

Xorg is running a dual head layout using xinerama instead of randr.
Composite disabled since it does not work with this config.

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