On 2013-10-04, Dragostin Yanev <gentoo+u...@netixen.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 4 Oct 2013 20:55:25 +0000 (UTC)
>> IOW I've succesfully re-routed TCP _packets_ but not the TCP
>> _connection_.
>> How do I tell the TCP stack that it's supposed to use the 172.16
>> inteface/gateway for connections to port 80?
> It's been a while but i believe you want to route via interface not
> gateway. Providing more info will make it easier to help you.

Can you explain what "route via interface" means?

I tried a default route like this:

  ip route add table pmain default dev net2

instead of:

  ip route add table pmain default via <gateway-ip> dev net2
But then non-local packets routed via that table don't seem to go out
any interface at all.  

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! I'm meditating on
                                  at               the FORMALDEHYDE and the
                              gmail.com            ASBESTOS leaking into my
                                                   PERSONAL SPACE!!

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