On Tue, Sep 06, 2005 at 11:43:50AM -0400, Dave Nebinger wrote:
> > > VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Be sure that you're not running an open mail relay
> > > (lots of info via google about how to ensure postfix is not an open mail
> > > relay).  Once this setup is complete, if you were open, spammers could
> > route
> > > mail through your server which relays through your ISP.  From your ISP's
> > > perspective you're sending the spam yourself and they could throw you
> > > offline.
> > 
> > Is the following lines in main.cf enough to prevent that?
> > 
> >     mynetworks_style = host
> >     relay_domains =
> Nope, you'll want to check http://www.postfix.org/SMTPD_ACCESS_README.html
> for info regarding relays.  It basically controls who can relay mail through
> the server.  For example, I'm actually away from home but can relay through
> my box because I've got it set up to allow my authenticated smtp relay
> connection.

I have checked that URL, but I am finding it difficult to
digest. Maybe you could tell me what to put in my
postfix configuration to prevent it from being an
open relay. It is being used in this only machine.

I already have in my main.cf configuration file:

  # Don't relay mail from other hosts.
  mynetworks_style = host
  relay_domains = 
  # Route all outgoing mail to your network provider.
  relayhost = [smtp.uber.com.br]
  smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
  smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
  smtp_sasl_security_options = 
  # Hosts without a real Internet hostname
  smtp_generic_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/generic


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