Matt Randolph wrote:

Mr. Lee's problem is not that he cannot send email. It is that he cannot send email by the method he has chosen to use because he hasn't the knowledge necessary to make that method work. I assume he could probably resort to webmail in a pinch. If his distribution had provided those packages together with a wizard to bring the task of configuring them properly to within his grasp, he would not be having this problem. Is the task of producing such a wizard the responsibility of the Gentoo team? It would be only if he had paid them to provide such.

But Mr. Lee hasn't paid anyone to do this configuration for him. He has consented to serve the role of administrator for his laptop himself by choosing a non-commercial distribution without a tech support line. However, it sounds like he is administering his laptop in a reasonable fashion by first exhausting every idea he can come up with before turning to the community for help.

Excuse me. I have just learned that Mr. Lee is actually Dr. Lee. My apologies.

- Matt
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