On 10/29/2013 10:47 PM, Jarry wrote:
> Hi Gentoo-users,
> I noticed strange message during boot-up of one of my servers:
> ______________________________________________________________


> As you see, syslog-ng can not open conection to remote syslog
> collector. Reason seems to be quite clear: at the time when
> syslog-ng starts, enp3s0 interface is not up (only loopback).
> I do not know how this happened, but I think it has something
> to do with either sendmail, clamav, or dovecot.


> ______________________________________________________________
> So how can I fix it on the 1st server, so that syslog-ng starts
> after network interface is up?
> Jarry

disable explicit syslog-ng service startup from the runlevel (one would start 
anyway as a dependency)

rc-update del syslog-ng

does the trick


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