James <wireless <at> tampabay.rr.com> writes:

> Has anyone installed Pentoo?

WOW !  You've got to check out pentoo-installer.
It puts a hardened kernel and toolchain and XFCE
onto a system, very clean and easy......

The only difference I've see so far is make.conf
is in /etc/portage/.

When I perform a routine update (emerge --sync) it'll
be an updated gentoo system, based on Hardened....

Just too F*__ing cool.....

Caveats?  Common Anyone got a better/cooler rapid install?

This is stupid easy.   (ME_likes_it).

Who says there is no Gentoo installer out there.
Only thing I missed is the ZFS option so it's on
ext4 until I find out what to do during the install
to get ZFS set up correctly.   Who says a bunch
of hacks, aren't the coolest kids on the block?

-- one happy old fart,

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