On 2013-12-30 3:25 PM, Tanstaafl <tansta...@libertytrek.org> wrote:
This is for NFS CLIENT... I'm mounting NFS shares from my remote QNAP
NAS boxes.

I've tried specifying the ports in /etc/conf.d/nfs, and /etc
sysctl.conf, but I must be missing something, because every time I
reboot, some other port comes up being  blocked when I try to mount the

Anyone? The references I've found are older, so maybe there is something
new I'm missing?

Ok, to recap...

I've made the following changes to the following config files:


OPTS_RPC_MOUNTD="-p 32767"
OPTS_RPC_STATD="-p 32765 -o 32766"

I've also changed the lockd ports


# You should compile nfsd into the kernel or add it
# to modules.autoload for this to work properly
# TCP Port for lock manager
fs.nfs.nlm_tcpport = 4001
# UDP Port for lock manager
fs.nfs.nlm_udpport = 4001

But when I try to mount the remote filesystem, I see the outbound request being blocked by the firewall.

If I open up the port in the firewall, it mounts immediately.

But after a reboot, the next time I try mounting it, some other random port shows up in the firewall logs...

This can't be all that difficult... I must be missing something obvious.

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