If you love gnome2 you'll be thrilled when you install the gentoo 'mate'
overlay.  It's like coming home for the holidays and putting on your old
fuzzy slippers :)

I had to work around two minor problems before the whole package would

1) I had to remove the pulseaudio useflag for mate-setting-daemon:

#grep mate /etc/portage/package.use 
mate-base/mate-settings-daemon  -pulseaudio

2) The mate package doesn't know about our multi-slot python thing,
so the configure script couldn't find <Python.h>

This is an embarrassing hack, but you can remove it after installing

#cd /usr/include
#ln -s python2.7 python  [or python3.3 if that's what you use].

I'd suggest removing that symlink after mate is installed because
gentoo doesn't do python that way and might get confused in the

I use startx, so I just put 'exec mate-session' in my .xinitrc,
and now I'm sooooo happy :) :) :)

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