On Tue, 28 Jan 2014 02:09:12 +0000 (UTC), Martin Vaeth wrote:

> > Screen and tabs are different solutions to different problems. When
> > working with multiple SSH sessions to different machines, and not
> > using ClusterSSH, I find it most convenient to have a tab for each
> > host, with a screen session in that tab.  
> I find nested tmux/screen sessions rather convenient, and use them
> regularly for that purpose (my setup nests them automatically, so
> I do not have to do anything manually).

As does mine. It is not starting them I find inconvenient but using them
is less convenient, for me, than a combination of tabs and screen.

> > The main issue with nested screens being that the command
> > keystrokes seemed to always go to the wrong instance of screen.  
> It's just a question to get used to press Ctrl-aa instead of Ctrl-a
> for remote/chroot sessions. Up to the rare instances when I run a
> chroot within a remote session and thus have to press even Ctrl-aaa,
> this is something I do not even have to think about anymore.

Had I found that approach more workable, I'm sure I could have trained me
rather creaky muscle memory to do it, but Shift-Left/Right to switch
between hosts and Ctrl-B N/P to switch between sessions on a host works
extremely well. To go back to the OP's original point, having hostnames on
the tabs also makes it obvious which sessions I have open.

Neil Bothwick

Never wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty but only the pig enjoys it.

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