Hi. I am again, with a similar question to previous.

I want to install RAID on SSD's.

Comparing THEORETICALLY, RAID0 (stripe) vs RAID1 (mirrior). The performance
would be something like this:

n= number of disks

  raid1: n*2
  raid0: n*2

  raid1: n
  raid0: n*2

But, in real life, the reads from raid 0 doesn't work at all, because if
you use "chunk size" from 4k, and you need to read just 2kb (most binary
files, txt files, etc..). the read speed should be just of n.

On the other side, I read over the net, that kernel don't support
multithread reads on raid1. So, the read speed will be just n. Always. ¿It
is true?

Anyway, my question is. ¿Who have the best read speed for the day to day?
I'm not asking about reads off large files. I'm just asking in the "normal"
use. Opening firefox, X, regular files, etc..

I can't find the guide definitive. It allways are talking about
theoretically performance, or about "real life" but without benchmarks
or reliable data.

Having a RAID0 with SSD, and following [2] on "SSD Stripe Optimization"
should I have the same speed as an RAID1?

My question is because i'm between. 4 disks raid1, or RAID10 (I want
redundancy anyway..). And as "raid 10" = 1+ 0. I need to know raid0
performance to take a choice... I don't need write speed, just read.

¿Anyone knows the true about this? ¿Somebody tried this?

Thanx a lot.!! Bytes! ;)


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