Yes, that was the correct answer. Added "net.ifnames=0" to GRUB and everything is happy. Much thanks for your responses. I am always grateful for the collective wisdom of this list.


On 3/2/2014 9:28 AM, Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:

You upgraded udev and lost support for the legacy network interface
names. You should read [1] to really understand the issue, but as a
workaround you can add the following to your kernel command line:
"net.ifnames=0". Do it in /etc/default/grub (in the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX
variable) if you use GRUB2 (and create the config again with
grub2-mkconfig), or in /boo/grub/grub.cfg, at the end of the "kernel"
line, if you are using grub-legacy.



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