Hi all. I'm again with a newbie problem :/
I almost finish to install gentoo but I have a little problem, I can't boot
gentoo ._.

I already installed the system with GRUB2 and systemd, I made partitions
with GPT using parted, but I can't boot.

My partitions: http://bpaste.net/show/186352/

This "legacy_boot" flag is a recent try I made :P. I also tried with "boot"
flag, and with no flags. But any way this does not work

My lspci: http://bpaste.net/show/186196/
My make.conf: http://bpaste.net/show/186354/
My /boot/grub/grub.cfg http://bpaste.net/show/186355

GRUB never starts, I just can see the UEFI menu.

Another - no related - problem I have is that I cant update my system ._.
I do a
emerge --newuse --deep --update world
I dont get errors, but never starts to update. Emerge work as using a
--pretend atribute, this say me all the packages to install/rebuild, but
dont do anything... o.o

The portage: http://bpaste.net/show/186359

Is a output of 16k lines and 1,1 mb. Watch out! :/

It rebuild almost everything because I added doc and X to USE flags, and
almost all package uses docs ._. (I think that..)

Any ideas? :P I hope somebody can help me plese! :/

I hope you understend me, me english is not perfect :/

Thank you all! [?]

P.D: I was following the gentoo handbook, and google for helps. :) But now
I'm atasked D:


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