On Fri, 14 Mar 2014 08:49:51 +0800, Guido Budack <gla...@yandex.com>
> md5sum livedvd-amd64-multilib-20121221.iso

> And now, any suggestion?

You don't specifically state what you are after, but I'll mention some
stuff anyway.

The gentoo livedvds are mostly meant as a showcase of gentoo's
capabilities. While they can be used to install gentoo, just like any
other linux live media in recent memory, they are not mainly intended
for this.

For installing gentoo, the minimal install livecd is recommended for
simple scenarios as noted in the handbook. For more complex setups,
notably installing without a wired network connection, I and many others
recommend using systemrescuecd[1]. If not using the gentoo minimal
install cd, please refer to [2] for some minor deviations from the
handbook that are often necessary.

1: http://www.sysresccd.org/Download


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