On 27-Mar-2014 4:12 pm, "wraeth" <wra...@privatdemail.net> wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> Greetings all!
> I have several IMAP mail accounts that I want to be able to
> synchronize locally (on several machines - two-way sync would be a
> bonus but not necessarily required) and access the local mail store
> with my mail client. At present I use Thunderbird, and I am rather
> fond of it's interface (despite some of the issues I've had with it
> (half of which I think were related to the concurrent IMAP connections)).
> I've been digging around (a lot) and figure the solution would involve
> Procmail and Fetchmail/OfflineIMAP. I have a semi-working setup,
> whereby mail delivered through sendmail locally is delivered to the
> correct location by procmail.
> My problem is Thunderbird. I know that Thunderbird by default uses
> mbox, and have configured new mail stores to be created with maildir;
> but it seems Thunderbird doesn't read maildir's /new directory, and
> messages delivered into /cur don't get read until the mailbox is
> rebuilt (presumably because of the .msf index).  Rebuilding the
> mailbox also messes up the message status.
> My question is: does anyone know how I can configure either Procmail
> to deliver messages in a format Thunderbird will understand; or how I
> can configure Thunderbird to be a little bit more maildir compliant?
> Failing that, what mail clients others would suggest (preferably GUI -
> I have mutt installed, but hiding my mail in a console would end up
> with a lot of messages going unnoticed)?
> Cheers;
> - --
> wraeth
> GnuPG Fingerprint:
> D1FF 129E 77EF FD1F CEA4
> F384 1989 6A1D E411 864C
> Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/
> eec1Y2GnbajyKFEuK5oA/06i3PxmtzEr12T+O8aPg0Jh2nBl6ICr6SEQUyTTJ5lH
> =ivxP

I sync my imap accounts using offline imap to dovecot on localhost. And
dovecot has lucene search.

Thunderbird is configured to use local host dovecot for incoming and for
outgoing default smtp.

I think you can filter mail using python scripts in offline imap, I am not
sure. Check docs.

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