James <wirel...@tampabay.rr.com> wrote:

> john <jdm <at> jdm.myzen.co.uk> writes:
> > lxqt is up and running in Gentoo. It's listed in packages.
> > The only problem I had was emerging lxqt-panel but just had to change a
> use flag of lxqt-panel from
> > quicklauch to
> > -quicklaunch and it emerged. No problems with anything else and desktop
> > is good.
> Wow! Did you do a fresh install or convert from lxde?
> If yuo converted, do you like it better? Was the conversion
> easy?  Does your usb device auto-discovery/mount thingie work?
> Did you use the lxqt-meta package?
> got a list of files/configs you have to customize?
> useful docs or a wiki?   I'm still fairly new to the
> whole lx** thing... But I love the light resource footprint!
> Maybe I should put it on a non-essential machine first?
> your thoughts and suggestions are welcome.....

When I tried to emerge lx-qt-neta, it only wanted to emerge qt4
packages, even though I said use=qt5, how can I get it to emerge qt5 as
well, or are they mutually exclusive?

Your life is like a penny.  You're going to lose it.  The question is:
How do
you spend it?

         John Covici

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