On 10/06/2014 21:33, Joseph wrote:
> On 06/10/14 22:50, the wrote:
>> On 06/10/14 22:37, Joseph wrote:
>>> I mount USB stick form camera and I can not change ownership (I'm
>>> login as root)
>>> drwxr-xr-x 9 root root 32768 Nov 18  2013 DCIM -rwxr-xr-x 1 root
>>> root     4 Nov 21  2013 _disk_id.pod drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 32768
>>> Aug 14  2013 LOST.DIR
>>> I can read and write another USB stick but others I can not.  How
>>> to control it?
>> What filesystem does it contain and what mount options are you using?
>> Depending on the filesystem it can be possible to mount with
>> user/group permissions.
> One USB stick was ext2 the other was dos file system.  I have problem
> with dos.
> I have commentd out in fstab:
> /dev/sdb1        /media/stick    auto        noauto,rw,user        0  0
> and let udisks mange it.  It works.
> Except that now I have ugly long names, for ext2 I get:
> /run/media/joseph/2f5fc53e-4f4c-4e74-b9c4-fca316b47fea
> for dos I get:
> /run/media/joseph/3136-3934
> with fstab entry they all were mounted under: /media/stick

Those long names are filesystem id's and volume labels. You didn't tell
udisks what to call the mount point so it has picked the only thing it
has available - the ID of the filesystem.

fstab is a really bad tool for this, it does not apply the rules to your
USB sticks, it applies them to anything that just happens to get node
/dev/sdb1. Don't assume that will *always* be a portable usb stick,
because it won't.

Read the udisks documentation to find out how to customize naming of
mount points.

Alan McKinnon

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