On Tuesday 10 Jun 2014 16:44:41 Jonathan Callen wrote:
> On 06/07/2014 06:33 AM, Mick wrote:
> > On Tuesday 03 Jun 2014 15:16:56 Stroller wrote:
> >> On Tue, 3 June 2014, at 6:59 am, Mick <michaelkintz...@gmail.com>

> >>> … status-left "[#S]" … status-right ""#22T" %H:%M %d-%b-%y"
> >> 
> >> It looks to me like I've merely swapped left and right panes
> >> because, presumably, I thought it looked better that way.
> >> 
> >> And I've removed the clock - that's one way you could reclaim
> >> some screen space.
> > 
> > Right, on my default setup the clock is on the right, the number of
> > windows on the left and the title in the middle.
> > 
> > As is the title shows:
> > 
> > "root@compaq:/usr/src/l"
> > 
> > instead of "root@compaq:/usr/src/linux".  This is what I mean of it
> > being cut short.
> > 
> > 
> > [snip ...]
> > 
> >> As I say, I don't seem to be firing on all cylinders right now,
> >> but it doesn't look to me like the "commands being run" are shown
> >> where you say they are, not on the far right, at least.
> >> 
> >> I think they're shown in the *middle* section of the status bar.
> > 
> > Yes, they are shown in the middle, but on a 82x25 pixel terminal
> > the title is displayed about 2/3 towards the right of the status
> > bar, right against the clock.  See attached screenshot.
> > 
> > Running tmux set -g status-right "#32T" removed the clock and
> > increased the real estate for the title bar.
> > 
> > Thanks again Stroller.
> The "#22T" means (I think) to show the *first 22 characters* of the
> title, cutting it off if it is too long.  You may just want to
> increase that number to something that matches the room you have
> available.

Yes, increasing the number extends the title in the middle, but I would 
ideally like a setting that extends it automatically to cover available space 
if needed.

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