On Sat, Jun 14, 2014 at 7:08 PM, Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The answer is *always" in the ebuild and Changelog.
> Sometimes it's on Google too, but that is unreliable.

In general the stance is supposed to be that if it doesn't have a news
item, it shouldn't be a high-impact change.

Now, I realize that broke down a bit recently and there is always a
diversity of opinions on what does and doesn't need news.  However, in
general I wouldn't be too paranoid about things breaking/etc.

That said, I generally don't update system packages on a day when I'm
not going to have time to deal with any issues, and that is good
practice.  For something of particular concern I might just wait a day
or two and see if there is any list or forum traffic.


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