On Wednesday 09 Jul 2014 14:38:23 James wrote:
> Hello,
> I use the stable portage tree for most everything.
> I use and test quite a few overlays.
> Both of these are great.
> But now, I'm hacking a small collection my own ebuilds that focus
> on some specific needs and science, which I shall refer to collectively as
> local ebuilds. I'm curious how other folks would suggest to keep them
> separate from the main portage tree and the overlays, but easily
> maintainable on my own workstation.
> Semantical suggestions via google seem to be dated.
> Observanations and other ideas are most welcome for keeping a bunch
> of "local" ebuilds managed and reliable on a stable gentoo system
> and as much as possible using the standard gentoo system tools.

I keep mine under:


then run:

cd /usr/local/portage/<category>/<package>
ebuild <package>.ebuild manifest

and finally tell portage about it so as to avoid clashes with the main tree, 
in /etc/portage/profile/package.provided

There may be more conventional ways of doing the same, but this is how I have 
always done it and it still works.


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