On Sunday 27 Jul 2014 15:05:53 Dale wrote:
> meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:
> > Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> [14-07-27 14:36]:
> >> meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:
> >>> Back to the initial problem: How can I offline test the rest of the
> >>> disk if the first bad sector (10%) of the surface breaks the test with
> >>> an error? Best regards, mcc
> >> 
> >> I never got mine to go past the first failure until I used dd to erase
> >> the drive.  As mentioned before, I may could have done that without
> >> moving my data but that was to complicated and risky for me at the
> >> time.  From my understanding tho, until that data is moved off the bad
> >> spot so that the drive knows it can do what it needs to, that spot is
> >> still going to show up.  I don't know of a way to make it test beyond
> >> the bad spot either.
> >> 
> >> If you have a drive that you can move that data over to so that you can
> >> play with the bad drive, that's what I would do.  Once you get it moved,
> >> then dd the whole drive, run the test and then see what results you
> >> get.  I looked at a howto that someone posted or I found and doing it
> >> with the data on there just made me nervous.
> >> 
> >> I'm running out of info here.  Anyone else provide more help than me?
> >> 
> >> Dale
> >> 
> >> :-)  :-)
> > 
> > Hi Dale,
> > 
> > thanks for the info...
> > 
> > I already did this. PLEASE read my previous posting completly.
> > 
> > dd failed with an I/O error at that spot.
> Hmmmm.  I'd be getting my data off there or some sort of backup and then
> try erasing the whole drive.  If that fails as well, then it seems like
> you need a box and some shipping to get a replacement if it is under
> warranty.  If the dd fails, that sounds like maybe it has a error it
> can't correct for some reason.  I think dd does its thing on a basic
> level and I have never had it give me a error except for running out of
> space when it is done.  I'm sure if the command you used was wrong, Neil
> would have picked up on it and said something.  So, I don't think you
> are doing anything wrong, I just think your drive may have even more
> serious issues than mine had.
> Unless someone else comes on with a idea on something else to try, I'd
> be looking for somewhere to put my data and a different drive.  If after
> that you can get it working, well, you got a spare.  If not, it was
> broke anyway.
> I hope someone else has more ideas.

Does it still error out if you run the commands in this sequence?

mkswap -L swap -f -c /dev/sda2
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda2 bs=512 conv=notrunc

Also, did you try the 'hdparm --write-sector' option that Volker mentioned?


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