On 29/07/2014 3:09 PM, Neil Bothwick wrote:
On Tue, 29 Jul 2014 11:47:55 +0800, Andrew Lowe wrote:

        Fired up the 'puter last night and instead of a backdrop
showing the dog doing something stupid, a task bar, the start button
thingy, and a few other bits and pieces, I had the default KDE
backdrop. The task bar was on the second screen, the backdrop was the
default, there was no start button etc. What's happened?????? Obviously
KDE has freaked out in some way, but how? Where are the files that
configure the look and feel of my desktop kept? I've looked in
~/Desktop and ~/.kde4 and there was nothing there.

The files should be in ~/.kde4/share/config, so if ~/.kde4 is empty you
have a problem. Let's hope you also have a backup.

Had a look, "everything" appears to be there - no idea as to why I originally said ~/.kde4 was empty. The dates on all of the files are all over the place, that is from some time last year when I built the machine up to basically now so it looks like they are the correct files.

Is there an environmental/system variable that should point to ~/.kde4 that I should check to see is correct?


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