On 09/08/2014 13:58, Mick wrote:
> On Saturday 09 Aug 2014 10:19:39 Alan McKinnon wrote:
>>> Tried it a few years ago. Looked ok, but didn't like the convoluted way
>>> to do a full update and ended up putting Gentoo on the netbook.
>> you mean
>> apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade && apt-get
>> autoremove
> or,
> sudo do-release-upgrade
> to upgrade from one LTS to the next?

The boss has banned upgrading from one LTS to the next:

- base system might upgrade OK but everything else atop it is risky
- last round of trying blew up in his face and stuff broke wholesale
- LTS are 2 (or 3?) years apart and the machines are usually due for
upgrade replacement on that cycle anyway
- this is a fast-changing devops environment when we usually rip the
whole lot out and do it over every 2 years anyway to deal with changes
in how the business is done and take advantage of new technology

Alan McKinnon

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