On 23/08/14 09:53, Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 23, 2014 at 1:47 AM, Alexander Kapshuk
> <alexander.kaps...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 08/22/2014 10:36 PM, Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:
>>> On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 1:56 PM, Alexander Kapshuk
>>> <alexander.kaps...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> As I updated my system today, I noticed that 'sys-fs/lvm2' got updated
>>>> amongst other packages as well.
>>>> I don't use LVM on my system.
>>>> If I understand it correctly, 'sys-fs/lvm2' is a required dependency for
>>>> 'sys-fs/udisks/udisks-1.0.5-r1':
>>>> equery d sys-fs/lvm2
>>>>  * These packages depend on sys-fs/lvm2:
>>>> sys-block/parted-3.1-r1 (device-mapper ? >=sys-fs/lvm2-2.02.45)
>>>> sys-boot/grub-2.00_p5107-r2 (device-mapper ? >=sys-fs/lvm2-2.02.45)
>>>> sys-fs/udisks-1.0.5-r1 (>=sys-fs/lvm2-2.02.66)
>>>> sys-fs/udisks-2.1.3 (cryptsetup ? sys-fs/lvm2[udev(+)])
>>>> equery -q u sys-block/parted | grep device-mapper
>>>> -device-mapper
>>>> equery -q u sys-boot/grub | grep device-mapper
>>>> -device-mapper
>>>> equery -q u '=sys-fs/udisks-1.0.5-r1'
>>>> -debug
>>>> +nls
>>>> -remote-access
>>>> $ equery -q u '=sys-fs/udisks-2.1.3' | grep cryptsetup
>>>> -cryptsetup
>>>> /usr/portage/sys-fs/udisks/udisks-1.0.5-r1.ebuild:17,24
>>>> COMMON_DEPEND=">=dev-libs/dbus-glib-0.100
>>>> <snip>
>>>>     >=sys-fs/lvm2-2.02.66
>>>> What are my options, if I were to remove 'sys-fs/lvm2' altogether?
>>> Remove sys-fs/udisks:0, which depends unconditionally on LVM2; also,
>>> it's on life support, AFAIR. sys-fs/udisks:2 is actively maintained
>>> and it depends only conditionally on LVM2.
>>>> What would you recommend doing about it?
>>> What does depend on sys-fs/udisks? What's the output from "equery d
>>> sys-fs/udisks"? Most applications switched to udisks-2, but some are
>>> still stuck with udisks-1 (XMBC, now Kodi, comes to mind).
>>> If an application that you absolutely need requires sys-fs/udisks:0,
>>> then you will need LVM2 also.
>>> Regards.
>> Looks like I've got a couple of apps that do require udisks-1 to run:
>> equery d sys-fs/udisks
>>  * These packages depend on sys-fs/udisks:
>> gnome-base/gvfs-1.20.2 (udisks ? >=sys-fs/udisks-1.97:2)
> gvfs depends on sys-fs/udisk:2, so this one doesn't need udisks-1.
>> xfce-extra/xfce4-power-manager-1.3.0 (udisks ? sys-fs/udisks:0)
> What does xfce4-power-manager uses udisks for? You could try to emerge
> it with USE="-udisks" and see if you miss some functionality. If you
> don't, you can get rid of udisks-1 and LVM2.
> Regards.

xfce4-power-manager-1.3.0 and older uses UDisks 1.x for controlling disk
spinning, like to reduce it

xfce4-power-manager-1.3.1 and higher removed UDisks 1.x dependency and
the spindown feature, supposedly it had issues
and doesn't work with SSD anyway... anyways, upstream decision to not
use udisks anymore

so, i recommend upgrading to 1.3.1, adding it to package.keywords if


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