On 26/08/2014 12:00, Gevisz wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Aug 2014 10:42:01 +0100
> Peter Humphrey <pe...@prh.myzen.co.uk> wrote:
>> On Tuesday 26 August 2014 12:21:35 Gevisz wrote:
>>> I have just tried to upgrade my system (which I do almost every day)
>>> and found out that portage wants to install 6 new python packages
>>> that seem to be unnecessary because for example
>>>   # equery depends dev-python/pyopenssl
>>> reports that no other package depends on this one.
>>> The same situation is with all the other python packages.
>>> # emerge --update --deep --with-bdeps=y --newuse --backtrack=60
>>> --ask world
>> It could be that "--with-bdeps=y" term. I took a long time to learn
>> that lesson, as old-timers may remember.
>> What happens if you change y to n?
> In this case, the portage wants to update all the same "unnecessary"
> python packages and only decides not to update the eselect-ruby. 

You've approached this in an inefficient way.

When portage gives an odd list of dependencies to be emerged (especially
if they are new indicated by [ebuild  N     ]), then always run emerge
with the -t option. This will display the same output in a tree view
showing you what pulls things in. This exactly answers the question you

Looking at emerge output without the -t option does not show this
information, so you don't know.

When a package is to be installed new (i.e. not an update) then "equery
depends" is pointless. That form of the command shows the dependencies
for *installed*packages*, so obviously can't show the deps for something
not installed yet. There are options to equery that make it search the
tree itself, not your vdb, but they are slo-o-o-ow. maan equery for details.

--with-bdeps=n omits eselect-ruby as it is a build depend for some
package. A build depend means you need it to build something not to run
it. Portage defaults to n on this to make things a little more efficient
and compile less stuff. In your case eselect-ruby will only be updated
when something else that needs it at build time is updated. Until then
you strictly speaking don't really need it to be updated

Alan McKinnon

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