On Monday, September 15, 2014 06:12:15 PM James wrote:
> Howdy,
> Any "brave souls" put FhGFS on a gentoo system? [1]  It's a distributed File
> System and some run it on top of ZFS or EXT4 or BTRFS, with
> very positive results. It is in the process of going "open source"
> from what I've read about.  It is suppose to be wonderful when
> compared to Gluster, HDFS or any other "distributed" file system,
> as I've heard from several sources.
> There's even a guide on skipping the partitioning of the devices
> and putting the file system directly "on the device"; even SSD
> and such. [2]
> curiously,
> James
> [1] http://www.fhgfs.com/cms/download
> [2] http://www.fhgfs.com/wiki/PartitionAlignment#noparts

These look interesting, will have a look at these later.

But, isn't Fraunhover the organisation that caused alot of licensing issues 
with getting MP3 support in OSS projects?
How is their licensing with regards to FHGFS?


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