On 10/25/14 13:51, Walter Dnes wrote:
On Sat, Oct 25, 2014 at 09:41:20AM -0600, Joseph wrote

Well, the remote camera is Axis 207 so it has its own server. There
is no mplayer on it.  When I access camera from the network computer
the same as camera is on both vlc and mplayer work.  But when I try
to stream over the internet (from different) it doesn't work.

Can mpalyer stream the mpeg 4 video file over rtsp; I think only
vlc can do it.

 You mentioned in a previous message that mplayer and vlc work on one
computer, but not on the other.  So we know they both work.  I think the
problem is somewhere in the remote access.  How are you accessing the
rtsp stream?  Is it like so (example name and numbers)...

mplayer rtsp://

 Things to check...

* if you're using a domain name rather than an IP address, is it defined
 in the remote machine's /etc/hosts ?

* is the remote machine's firewall blocking the camera's IP address ?

* is the camera set to only stream to a specific IP address (range) ?

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

* I'm using only IP addresses no domain name.
* on the remote computer camera is on IP address
so I open port 9090 and forwarded to IP on the remote firewall

When I tried mplayer, I get:

mplayer rtsp://66.18.xxx.xxx:9090/mpeg4/media.amp
MPlayer SVN-r36370 (Gentoo)-4.7.3 (C) 2000-2013 MPlayer Team
MMX2 supported but disabled

Playing rtsp://66.18.xxx.xxx:9090/mpeg4/media.amp.
Resolving 66.18.xxx.xxx for AF_INET6...

Couldn't resolve name for AF_INET6: 66.18.xxx.xxx
Connecting to server 66.18.xxx.xxx[66.18.xxx.xxx]: 9090...

librtsp: server responds: 'HTTP/1.0 501 Not Implemented'
STREAM_LIVE555, URL: rtsp://66.18.xxx.xxx:9090/mpeg4/media.amp
Stream not seekable!
file format detected.
Failed to get a SDP description from URL 
"rtsp://": 501 Not Implemented


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