On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 04:45:56PM +0000, James wrote

> So looking at ~/.mozilla/seamonkey/<dir>/
> I see these cookies files:
> cookies.sqlite cookies.sqlite-shm cookies.sqlite-wal 
> But the are sqlite files. So  I need a gui tool to view them as to discern
> logical understanding of what exactly they are and which do delete
> or intelligently pre_filter. [1,2]
> Any suggestions in portage or as a seamonkey "add-on" would
> be keen. I run "no-scipts" but I think I need more to keep
> the cookie_monster under control? suggesions? I also use
> firefox, just not as much.

  Sqlite is a database format.  You might already have sqlite (the
executable) installed, depending on the value of the "system-sqlite" USE
flag.  If so, you can pound away at it manually.  Or you can always...

emerge sqlite

  If you want a GUI rather than command-line, try

  You also mentioned "flash cookies" in passing.  They're a totally
different animal.  They're files that reside in directories ~/.adobe and
~/.macromedia.  The way to kill them is to remove the directories and
create dummy files with the same names, so that Flash can't create the
directories.  Here's a short script...

rm -rf ~/.adobe
touch ~/.adobe
rm -rf ~/.macromedia
touch ~/.macromedia

  The only problem is that certain sites won't play videos without those
directories being present (e.g. video highlights at http://nhl.com ).  I
handle them with the following script...

rm -rf ~/.adobe
rm -rf ~/.macromedia
sleep 20
rm -rf ~/.adobe
touch ~/.adobe
rm -rf ~/.macromedia
touch ~/.macromedia

  I launch the script from a terminal, and then immediately click on the
video link in my browser.  This gets the videos going, and keeps them
going until they finish.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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