Michael Orlitzky <mjo <at> gentoo.org> writes:

>   1. See who's active in the Java overlay. This one's easy.

>        $ git clone git://git.overlays.gentoo.org/proj/java.git
>        $ cd java
>        $ git log


>   2. Check who's been making commits under dev-java.
>        $ cd $PORTDIR/dev-java
>        $ find ./ -name ChangeLog | xargs ls -l -h -t
>      That should give you a list of ChangeLogs, newest first. YOu can
>      look through them and see who's been doing what. I'm sure there's a
>      better way using CVS, but I don't know it.

Yep, done this and more, but, thanks. Oh, since you took the trouble
to include syntax in your response, dozens-hundreds of folks are now
enabled to check up on what we have been talking about, quite easily!

> Once you find a few people, just ask politely in #gentoo-java on IRC.

Here is where I stopped; just before going on the gentoo-java channel. 
I have some other things to fix/finish first.
Besides I'm really curious to see how the herd/project/bugs-wranglers
ends up being organized after the "herds" are gone. It think that the few
weeks after this seminal event occurs will yeild a richly active
gentoo-user community again. I hope we can sustain that energy.
Couch it as "a gift to the user community" from the devs and you'll see
lots of interest and sustained growth in participation at all levels.

Also you did not  

Let me make this crystal clear. All devs should be allowed a manor,
a castle and some authorities the rest of us users (commoners) do not
have. It is the reward for becoming a dev. However nothing in that
reward (from the council to the devs) should interfere with users
from building their own co-op withing the gentoo infrastructers. A round
table if you like all that English-Historical-Parlance. (no offense Neil).

*Celebrate the users* by working to give them the tools (and respect) they
need as the collect with other gentoo_ers. Give them a seat at the table
too. It only takes a few keen devs to pull this off. Just look at the 
amazing work Sven has done with the docs, the wiki and SElinux.

peace && prosperity,

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