On Thu, 13 Nov 2014 15:43:21 +0000 (UTC), James wrote:

> > The kernel is a file on the DVD, not buried in the squashfs
> > filesystem - the kernel is needed to mount that filesystem. Given the
> > limited number of files on the DVD it quickest to send the lot to
> > file.  
> Once booted up, I find did not find a file with kernel as part of the
> name on neither the minimalcd or livedvd. Usage of "vmlinux" was an
> oversite on my part.

The kernel is just a file, it can be called anything. It is the contents
that are important, which is why I used file.

> When I used "vmlinux" to qualify the find search, I found those
> previously mentioned, on the booted up medias. Like I told likeWahoa,
> I'll have to check there  once I unmount the media. I guess I could
> download and isoimage and pull it apart, or burn it to usb and look.
> For now, I've found something sufficient. With what you and Rich have
> said, I also can  parse out many different kernels to look at.

Either mountthe DVD or loop mount the ISO image, which is what I did, to
browse its contents.
> > % find  -type f -exec file {} + | grep kernel
> > ./boot/memtest86:        Linux x86 kernel
> > ./isolinux/gentoo:       Linux kernel x86 boot executable bzImage.....
> > ./isolinux/kernels.msg:  ASCII text  

Or, as suggested previously, look at the bootloader config file, that
will tell you the location of the kernel.

Neil Bothwick

There was a young man from the border
Who had an attention disorder.
When he reached the last line
He would run out of time

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