On Sunday 23 Nov 2014 17:06:21 meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:
> Hi,
> Currently I am getting problems in the area of locale settings.
> On my PC I set
>     echo $LC_CTYPE
>     de_DE.utf8
> the settings are done here:
>     /etc>sudo grep -r de_DE.utf8
>     profile.env:export LC_CTYPE='de_DE.utf8'
>     env.d/02locale:LC_CTYPE=de_DE.utf8
>     csh.env:setenv LC_CTYPE 'de_DE.utf8'
> I have done the same on my little embedded system following
> the instruction for setting up a Gentoo system (I think...but
> obviously I must have done something wrong...
> Doing "locale -a" on the embedded system produces:
>     Arietta G25 A:/root>locale -a
>     locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or
> directory C
>     POSIX
>     de_DE
>     de_DE.iso88591
>     de_DE.iso885915@euro
>     de_DE@euro
>     deutsch
>     en_US
>     en_US.iso88591
>     en_US.utf8
>     german
> The message printed right after the command appears not only here, but
> at several other occasions like compiling etc...
> Doing "locale -a" on my PC prints a HUGE list which contains beside
> thousands of other settings this: de_DE.utf8
> I have no clue, what I am missing here...for installation I used an
> uptodate stage3 archive...
> Any hint what I done wrong or left undone is very appreciated...
> Thank you very much in advance!
> Best regards,
> Meino

Did you set your required locales in /etc/locale.gen?


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