Sam Bishop <sam <at>> writes:

> In my mind. Gentoo has the kind of hook you speak of. We just havent
> refined it or done a good job showing it off to the world.
> The ebuild format is one of the most powerful packaging standards.

> An automatic test battery for Gentoo could possibly catapult Prefix
> and similar sub projects forward to much greater adoption, and help
> Gentoo reap secondary benefits as a result.

> Now all the replying is done, here's the big question, where to organise
> the bigger picture things? This mailing list? IRC? A new mailing list?
> I want to get involved in this because I'm going to be building some
> parts of this already. Why wouldn't I want to give back and help make
> Gentoo better.

Organization is great, but, practical tools are the first step,imho. In
order to make this not only useful for Gentoo, but other coders, We need a
liveUSB, where folks can download "Gentoo Fever" onto a usb stick and stick
into their current hardware and boot up a killer code development system.
That way they can work on these aforementioned codes right on a gentoo
system and submit code snippets (patches) easily to the appropriate
github. They can use epatch_user to test their codes on a given ebuild,
very simply or use github tools. They'll need tools so their project of
interest can be "ebuildified" with a set of ebuilds, and then tested with
codes like "etest".

What we need is a dev or a stong_user who is very knowledgeable of code
development tools, to use build upon the livedUSB work of LikeWahoa and put
together a set of tools, realizing that non-gentoo developers are the 
target. Surely the accomplished user/coders and gentoo devs all have their
customizations set; so there would be no reason why we cannot have different
killer versions (kde, lxqt, gnome etc) centric on what given dev likes. And
so these liveusb images can be use to bootstrap gentoo users into a pahtway
of becoming gentoo devs too.

So just put the tools you like and know about and projects on a lived-USB
and post back to this list where to download and test it. I for one will
download and boot up hardware with your usb stick (usb-3 with a high
read/write bandwidth is nice) and look at Gentoo from your eyes.

Surely you are capable/willing to do this Sam ?

Then another and a another and we will have a family of "gentoo-fever" live
media. Then the discussion on a wider basis and targeting the GSoC kids
to join us next spring can get moving. From there, Gentoo-Fever spreads
back to the universities and eventually to those Mac/Winblows professors
that are tenured...... and so on and so forth.

If gentoo "celebrates" the systemd vs openrc divide, surely we'll gain
from those disgruntled ranks. As an old Deb & Ian fan, I'd be very, very
proud of Gentoo saving those openrc_centric deb fans......

"Carpe Diem!"   (where's that liveUSB?)

The saddest thing is this. Surely we all know individual devs at Gentoo
that can individually build a "Gentoo Fever" liveusb image, in just a few
hours. The fact that there is little interest among those folks with that
skill level, I personally find to be a devastating statement about Gentoo
Apathy. They can do (and do) amazing things with gentoo, but so little
efforts is expended in a helping hand upward.

If I'm wrong about this, then show me a gentoo-fever liveusb from several
different groups at gentoo, please?


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