behrouz khosravi <> writes:

> On Sat, Dec 6, 2014 at 5:44 AM, lee <> wrote:
>> Omit the window decorations?
> I liked the picture, but actually I am not sure if that's what I want.
> I want a terminal that is on the background (wallpaper) of the screen, not
> in the floating mode or something like that.
> For example like the conky behaves when it is on the walpaper.

I guess you'd have to build the terminal into the WM to achieve this.

Other than that, you can always make the terminal fullscreen, and then
there's no significant difference between the terminal and the
background anymore --- or is there?

> However how did you remove the window decorations?!

I have

Style *                 !Title, BorderWidth 2
Style XTerm             !Borders

in my fvwm configuration.  You can check it out at [1] and modify it to
your liking.  Unless you have an AltGr key on your keyboard, you
probably *do* want to adjust the key bindings before starting fvwm, or
you may find yourself unable to move windows.

Once you got used to fvwm, you don't want to put up with anything less
anymore :)  However, i3 is really good, too, if you like tiling WMs and
don't (yet) need sticky floating windows (which stay on top)[2].  I've
tried many WMs over the years and can recommend only those two.  And I
got fvwm to do tiling the way I need it --- which I rarely do ---
basically just as well as i3 does.


Again we must be afraid of speaking of daemons for fear that daemons
might swallow us.  Finally, this fear has become reasonable.

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