Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:
> Am 17.12.2014 um 07:33 schrieb J. Roeleveld:
>> Try cleaning the vents.
>> Also, most couches have a tendency to compress when something like a laptop 
>> is 
>> on it. Effectively blocking all airflow.
>> If the temperature goes to 99C when on top of a table, return the laptop to 
>> the shop as it is clearly not working properly.
> When I compile bigger packages on my small ThinkPad X220 I sometimes put
> it into the fridge ;-)
> This effectively cools it down rather quickly ... and I ssh in via wifi.
> Not to be tried at home ;-)

You don't have a fridge at home?  ROFL  Sorry, I couldn't pass that one
up.  ;-)

At one time, I thought about putting a rig that ran sorta warm in my


:-)  :-)

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