On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 08:33:28PM +0100, Michael Schwartzkopff wrote
> Hi,
> It seems that my sysctl.conf is not executed at boot time. If a apply a
> sysctl -p after boot, it adjusts a lot of parameters I added to syscl.conf.
> A rc-update shows the the sysctl server should start a boot time.
> Any ideas?

  Is it possible that the system initializes to default values *AFTER*
the sysctl server sets them to your values at bootup?  To run "sysctl -p"
as late as possible, I suggest putting the following 2 lines in

sysctl -p

  Anad remember to chmod the file to executable.  According to

> This directory should contain programs or scripts which are to be
> run when the local service is started or stopped.
> If a file in this directory is executable and it has a .start
> extension, it will be run when the local service is started. If a
> file is executable and it has a .stop extension, it will be run when
> the local service is stopped.
> All files are processed in lexical order.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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