2015-01-22 6:11 GMT-06:00 Andreas K. Huettel <dilfri...@gentoo.org>:
> Am Donnerstag 22 Januar 2015, 16:50:45 schrieb Sam Bishop:
>> On 22 January 2015 at 01:54, Andreas K. Huettel <dilfri...@gentoo.org>
> wrote:
>> > Am Mittwoch 21 Januar 2015, 20:36:55 schrieb Sam Bishop:
>> >> So I've been thinking crazy thoughts.
>> >>
>> >> Theoretically it can't be that hard to do a complete package binhost for
>> >> gentoo.
>> >>
>> >> To be clear, when i say complete, Im referring to building, all
>> >> versions of all ebuilds marked stable or unstable on amd64, with every
>> >> combination of use flags.
>> >
>> > Not enough. You will also have to build against every combination of
>> > dependency subslots.
>> >
>> > e.g., different poppler, boost, icu, perl and many more versions...
>> >
>> > Which makes the task near impossible.
>> Not impossible, just more computationally demanding and requiring more
>> storage.
> Well, exponential increase is exponential increase.
> * A libreoffice binary package with debug information has roughly 800Mbyte
> size
> * 2 libreoffice versions in the tree
> * libreoffice links against poppler, icu, boost (among other things)
> * poppler: 5 subslots, icu (soon) 3 subslots, boost 5 subslots in tree -> 75
> combinations
> * libreoffice has 22 useflags and 4 extensions, plus three supported python
> variants -> 29 switches
> * REQUIRED_USE limits your combinations, let's conservatively guess 25
> independent switches -> 2^25=33554432 use combinations
Based on this.
If it would take 1 minute(being more than optimistic) to build libreoffice:
33554432 builds * 1min = 63 years building

If one would want to build that in a day it would be needed to rent
23301 super fast boxes. and have them heating all day long, leaving
the storage problem aside, just for libreoffice, if we think now about
firefox, chromium and the webkit packages, I think that makes for a
good analogy of hell, and a terrible waste of resources.

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