> from Michael Vetter:

> just for fun I am reading about alternatives to portage. So far the most
> interesting I found are: paludis and pkgsrc.

> paludis mostly because it seems to come from some gentoo-like enviroment
> and pkgsrc because of the nice thought to have the same pkg files for
> multiple OSes.

> Is anybody of you using one of them and can tell me about pros and cons?

I've read a bit about paludis, the package manager in Exherbo, forked from 
Gentoo, but haven't got to try it yet.

I am familiar with pkgsrc, use only in NetBSD where it is native.

For FreeBSD, I use the FreeBSD ports, notice that pkgsrc seems to have nothing 
to compare to portmaster and portupgrade.

In pkgsrc, you can update all packages with pkg_rolling-replace, but not so 
easy to update just one package/port and its dependencies.

pkgsrc seems directed at BSD, where there is a distinction between packages and 
base system.

In Linux, I get the impression that everything is a package, including what 
would be part of a BSD base system and not well-covered in pkgsrc.

I've fallen behind on following this list, too many emails elsewhere, which is 
why I'm late in responding here.


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