On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 04:56:13PM -0800, walt wrote:

> Thanks, Nicolas.  I also have a qemu guest win7 image, and the mouse capture 
> works
> as expected when I run it with virt-manager.  No idea why winXP behaves 
> differently,
> though.

Did you check the devices?
How did you imported the winXP image into virt-manager?

> I notice that virt-manager runs qemu without the -enable-kvm flag, and win7 
> runs
> significantly slower because of that.  Is there some way to convince 
> virt-manager
> to use the -enable-kvm option?

libvirt set the ",accel=kvm" command line option, here. I wonder if you
have a recent declared ABI. Here it is pc-1.1, hvm:

    <type arch='x86_64' machine='pc-1.1'>hvm</type>

Nicolas Sebrecht

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