On Sat, 28 Feb 2015 05:50:53 -0500, German wrote:

> and did exactly what was written. What is the vmlinuz it is complaining
> about? Can it be that vmlinuz should read as vmlinuz-3.16-15-gentoo
> instead? Here is my config file, it is the same as in the guide:
> title Gentoo Linux
> linux /vmlinuz
> options root=/dev/sda3

The kernel file should be in your ESP and you need to give the full name,
so something like

linux /vmlinuz-3.16-15-gentoo

Here's a config I use, as an example

title   MythTV
version 3.18.7-gentoo
linux   /vmlinuz-3.18.7-gentoo
options root=/dev/sda3 panic=10 net.ifnames=0 irqpoll

Neil Bothwick

If at first you do succeed, try to hide your astonishment.

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