On Mon, 2 March 2015, at 1:36 am, Fernando Rodriguez 
<frodriguez.develo...@outlook.com> wrote:
>> ...
>> Don't forget to file a bug so we can track your issue.
> Should I file one with gentoo even if it's an upstream bug?


Usually what I do in this case is go to the upstream mailing list, and see if I 
get any quick answers. 

This may resolve in a quick fix, a bug being opened or no response, but in any 
case you can then open a ticket at bugs.gentoo.org giving a link to upstream - 
either "this is bug 1234 at KDE, see bugs.kde.org/ticket?1234" or "this is how 
you fix it" or "I tried to get help on the KDE mailing list but there was no 
response, see archive.lists.kde.org/989871".

At the end of the day, the Gentoo devs have scarcely more resources than you or 
I do. If the problem is going to get fixed then someone needs to roll up their 
sleeves and get their hands dirty. You might not be an elite QT programmer 
capable of fixing the bug, but if you believe it to be an upstream issue then 
at least you can bring it to their attention and help them identify when it 
shows up.


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