Holly Bostick wrote:

Stewart Taylor schreef:
Hi All

I've got a problem with the display under KDE. I've just installed Gentoo for the first time. Under KDE the font sizes are very small compared with what they should be. Compared with the same hardware under Suse 8.0 all text displays a little over half the size. this affects KDE apps and non KDE apps the same. Firefox text on menus and
the like is so small that it is unusable. On one of my own programs
the 14 point text displays as if it were 8-9 point. I have a Matrox
Millennium G400 graphics card. I've tried all the settings i can
find and have tried different kernel modules settings without
success. The info I found on the web left me confused as it seems
that this card may have different names in the UK and US. I'm in the



So the situation is that basically "too many cooks spoil the soup". At
least, that's the *first* problem, which we'd have to clear away before
we could be sure that your video card is doing what it should (which I
think it probably is; I have a G400 Max which I used till about a year
or so ago under Linux, and it was really the most trouble-free card I've

Hope this helps.

Hi Stewart,

If you are running KDE and Gnome together, I sometimes run into the same troubles as you. Generally, as Holly says, the problem is with Gnome/KDE not playing well together (assuming you have them both installed). However, the way I get around it is to:

a) start up "gnome-font-properties" and choose the fonts which look best.
b) edit your ~/.xprofile to contain:

/usr/libexec/gnome-settings-daemon &

c) make sure the ~/.xprofile script is executable
> chmod u+x ~/.xprofile

d) now log back into X, fire up kcontrol and adjust the KDE fonts in "Appearance & Themes"->"Fonts"

Hopefully this will be of some help. It seems to work for me, so good luck!


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