Alan McKinnon <alan.mckinnon <at>> writes:

> > > Downgrading Virtualbox to 4.3.20-r1 fixes the problem on one ~amd64
> > > machine but, of course, not the other one <sigh>.

> > (not the xf86-*

> File a bug at b.g.o.
> what you describe has much potential to trip up many people 

Well, I have to concur with what I did not prune out of this thread.
My recent experience with xf86* on my amd64 and the 3.18.6 kernel
had me reading quite a few horror stories of others; finally I 
found a solution, that is more a result of "marathonic" efforts
as opposed to finding the correct nuggets of information.

I.E. in this area I'm willing to bet there are ample bugs
and things that have been modified or fixed, but the knowledge
is just not disseminated. I filed no bugs because clarity
never appeared as to the exact problem(s).

For example in /lib/firmware/radeon I have these relevant drivers
some are lower case some are uppercase and my card requires the (V|v)erde*
drivers and at least one "TAHITI" driver..... In fact the inter
relationships on some kernel options are there, but are not, or
are "poorly", defined. I think this is a result of the quickened
turn_around speed of the kernel versions. Quality was sacrificed,

I found no documentation as to why. It's just a mess, imho. I could
list dozens of things, but the impression I got was (dev)folks are
hacking at this, but it's not cleaned up because there is little
clarity for (kernel) devs or other subsequent development efforts. 
I sure hope I'm wrong. ymmv.


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