Download linux sysrescue live cd on the web
and use dd_rescue

Allan Spagnol Comar wrote:

You can make a precise copy of your disk with dd command
using dd if=/dev/hdaX of=backupfile.iso

and then on the disk you want to write the data with
dd if=backupfile.iso of=/dev/hdXX;

if bouth disk are in the same machine you can copy it directtly using

dd if=/dev/originpartition of=/dev/destinationpartition

holpe that helps, Allan

On 9/16/05, Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all,

My main harddisk is starting to go, making awful noise and causing the
computer to freeze.
I have another spare disk and I wondered if somebody would list out the
procedure I need to follow to create and format the partitions and to copy
all of the faulty disk contents. Then how to boot from the new disk.
The new disk will need the following partitions:-
/boot           ext2
/               reiserfs

Thanks for any help
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