> Hi,
> emerge hits me:
> Whiletrying to reolve a lot of blockers, emerge @preserved-rebuild
> gives me this:
> emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy "kde-base/solid:4".
> (dependency required by "@preserved-rebuild" [argument])
> emerge itself can be called without that error.
> How can an argument to a command haves a dependency?
> How can I get out of this?
> Best regards,
> mcc


root@fireball / # equery list -p solid
 * Searching for solid ...
[-P-] [ ~] kde-frameworks/solid-5.7.0:5/5.7
root@fireball / #  

It seems there is no 4 versions.  Do you perhaps have a 4 version listed
in your world file that sneaked in there somehow?  If so, removing that
may allow a upgrade.  If not, interesting problem. 


:-)  :-) 

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