Alan McKinnon <alan.mckinnon <at>> writes:

> > Sounds like you're volunteering, Alan.   
> I do have some of the required skills, and I have free time right now.

Ah; stepping up are we? I'll be hoping you are taking requests on
the 'portage thingy' ? 
How'z about extending emerge with a few extra commands & operands :: ?

that installs a new gentoo system (image) via an ansible file(s)?
Stephan put some stuff up a while back, but I have not gotten
back around to testing it. I recall you had some early workings too?

There's even some open source work on an ansible gui [1]:

If we have some quick way to install, then systems could be setup,
customized, used for testing and torn down again, all in a few hours? I'd
focus on simple, minimized installs and it would give the user base a way to
duplicate  systems for problem verification and resolution. Also, as
clusters, clouds and various virtualizations continue to mature, it could
also aid in other forms of gentoo image debugging and verification
if bugs exist only in virtualized form or also in traditional installs.

Just a few thoughts; no big deal. If you step back a bit there are 
many ways to approach portage/ebuild enhancements.

> Maybe I'll have a deeper look into portage's code with a view to
> improving this area. No promises thought 

The dev repos and project repos  are good places to start [2,3]:





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