On 28/03/2015 01:05, walt wrote:
> On 03/27/2015 02:56 AM, ddjones wrote:
>> I seem to be hitting this bug:
>> https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=513386
>> webkit-gtk fails:
>> gtk-2.4.8/work/webkitgtk-2.4.8/.libs/libwebkitgtk-3.0.so: undefined 
>> reference 
>> to `_ZNSt6chrono3_V212steady_clock3nowEv@GLIBCXX_3.4.19'
> I don't know if you understand the concepts discussed in that bug report, but
> this this is basic idea:
> You see that the undefined symbol includes the string "GLIBCXX".  From this 
> you
> can tell that the program uses the well-known c++ standard library, which 
> happens
> to be installed separately by each version of gcc you have on your computer.
> The error you are seeing is caused by using a different version of gcc to 
> compile
> webkit-gtk than you used to compile some other package that webkit-gtk 
> depends on.
> The tedious but necessary fix is to find every package on your computer that 
> needs
> libstdc++ and then recompile all of them with the same version of gcc.  Yup, 
> boring.

I ran into the same thing with one of my machines a few months back, and
I did try the approach you suggest. It got to be so tedious and boring
that I decided stuff it, gave up and did

emerge -e world

Took 12 hours or so. The payoff was that I could just walk away and let
the machine get on with it, without having to sit there and fiddle after
every package was built

Alan McKinnon

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