On 04/04/2015 13:35, Rich Freeman wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 4, 2015 at 7:23 AM, Philip Webb <purs...@ca.inter.net> wrote:
>> What a revelation about at least a minority of Gentoo users !
>> -- philosophers of science + math, besides well-trained physicists.
> I think at least half of us on the Council have degrees in the
> physical sciences.
> I work mostly with scientists and I have to say that in the last 10
> years the embrace of FOSS by scientists has been considerable.  Who
> wants to beg the boss for money and with IT for support of SAS when
> you can just download R and install it yourself, and so on?  Of
> course, it tends to also lead to a bit of a mess when that little tool
> that was thrown together ends up being depended upon by an entire
> department and isn't up to it.

So it's not any different to how enterprise works then? Like the
cobbled-together mush of perl and bash (that does emerge over ssh in a
for loop) becomes the one critical app in all of IT that the ISO-9000
and something cert totally depends on? I've written such perl and bash

I recently had the pleasure of converting a small version of that to
Ansible. That was fun.

Alan McKinnon

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