On 04/12/2015 09:15 PM, »Q« wrote:
> Before you pore through it, I guess I should point out that it's not
> causing me any problems -- I was just curious about why it would be a
> bad idea for me to manage those PYTHON_* variables myself.  I guess the
> most notable thing about my make.conf is that I'm one of those crazy
> USE="-*" people.

It's not a bad idea to manage the PYTHON_TARGETS, PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET,
and RUBY_TARGET variables if you *need* a specific version of python or
ruby. If you do not, I would say it is bad. These are set in the profile
so that the maintainers can decide when to update to a new stable
version. Since all of the various python and ruby libraries are
installed from source, it's generally a good idea to wait for the
maintainers to stabilize a certain version since that means the library
support is also good.

Also, using the KDE profile and having USE="-*" seem contrary. One of
the main reasons to use a profile is to get a relevant set of USE flags.


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