On 4/17/2015 5:59 PM, Neil Bothwick <n...@digimed.co.uk> wrote:
> Since you want to search the entire contents f the current directory,
> there is no need to pass grep a list of directories (especially not an
> incomplete list), use "grep -lr ."

Ok, thanks Neil, but this is still not what I'm looking for... here's a
snip of what I got:

> ./user1/Maildir/.Sent/cur/1348064019.M219121P18374.mailhost.com,S=7615,W=7788:2,S
> ./user1/Maildir/.Sent/dovecot.index.cache
> ./user2/Maildir/cur/1348063111.Vfe02Ia7fe0eM242648.mailhost.com:2,S
> ./user2/Maildir/dovecot.index.cache

What I'd like is the output you get with

'grep -ir "searchstring" .'

which includes the line of text from each matching file that contains
the searchstring, like this:

> ./user/Maildir/cur/1429731479.M511050P25876.hostname,S=3097,W=3185:2,S:Name 
> asked me to approve Test PO 12036 this afternoon so she could see
> ./user/Maildir/cur/1429731479.M511050P25876.hostname,S=3097,W=3185:2,S:it in 
> the system.   In looking at Test PO 12033 & 12034 they show signed
> ./user/Maildir/cur/1429731479.M511050P25876.hostname,S=3097,W=3185:2,S:by me 
> however I did not approve these test PO's only test PO 12036 - how
> ./user/Maildir/cur/1429731479.M511050P25876.hostname,S=3097,W=3185:2,S:    
> Name asked me to approve Test PO 12036 this afternoon so she could


What I'd like is for each output line showing the file-hit to be
prefaced with at least the date/time of the file (permissions/owner etc
would be ok too, but I at least need the date/time), like you get when
doing an ls -al...

Is this just not possible?

Thanks again...

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