On 08/07/2015 23:57, Peter Humphrey wrote:
> On Wednesday 08 July 2015 22:03:16 Mick wrote:
>> I would thing that this is a relatively straight forward transaction to
>> troubleshoot, but devs may not be using POP3 on Kmail2, or if the glacial
>> progress of KDEPIM is anything to go by, then I seriously suspect they are
>> NOT really using ... Kmail2!  :-p
> You may have something there. I forget the detail now but one of their devs 
> remarked that it was a pity that POP3 still existed. I thought he was joking 
> at the time, but maybe he wasn't.
> I have only POP3 accounts: my ISP doesn't offer IMAP, and I don't propose to 
> change ISPs on that account.

kmail-1 was awesome.
kmail-2 is a complete joke.

The best recommendation I can give you is to salvage what you can from
your mailboxes and switch to something that works. Thunderbird, claws,
mutt all work fine and one of those surely fits your needs?

Alan McKinnon

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